Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Welcome to Culturevolution

Welcome to Culturevolution. Culturevolution was conceptualized, launched, and maintained by writing students at the University of California, Davis during winter 2011. Here you will find original narrative, opinion, and argument by student writers, many of whom were published for the first time here. Enjoy exploring our archives.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Research and Analysis: Pirates of the World Wide Web

Since the birth of the Internet, it has become increasingly easier to obtain pirated copies of music, movies, and even video games at no cost. Piracy has been around a long time, but with the Internet, just about anyone can download entertainment software in a matter of minutes. With the economy down, even more people will give up their morals to save a few dollars, which ultimately damages the entertainment industry. I firmly believe that people should not download illegally because of the negative impact it is having on our society. The truth of the matter is that it is stealing, and though a free movie or game is nice, the consequences of these actions are not worth it. To understand what will happen if nothing is done, it is important to understand the historical context of piracy and where we are headed. After that, I will analyze the impact that illegal downloading has had on our economy and the measure out society is taking to prevent it.